Selected Publications
Civic Tech
- Shun Yi Yeo, Gionnieve Lim, Jie Gao, Weiyu Zhang, Simon Tangi Perrault (2024). Help Me Reflect: Leveraging Self-Reflection Interface Nudges to Enhance Deliberativeness on Online Deliberation Platforms. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference Full Papers on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). ACM.
- Cheng, Y. & Zhang, W. (2023). C-MFD 2.0: Developing a Chinese Moral Foundation Dictionary. Computational Communication Research, 5(2).
- Zhang, W. (2022). Hybrid deliberation: Citizen dialogues in a post-pandemic era. Consultancy report for The Bertelsmann Stiftung (The Bertelsmann Foundation).
- Zhang, W., Lim, G., Perrault, S., & Wang, C. (2022). A Review of Research on Civic Technology: Definitions, Theories, History and Insights. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11461.
- Zhang W., Yang, T., & Perrault, S. (2021, May). Nudge for reflection: More than Just a Channel to Political Knowledge. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference Full Papers on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21). ACM.
- Zhang W. & Davies T. & Przybylska A., (2021). Online Deliberation and #CivicTech: A Symposium. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17(1), 76-77.
- Chang L. & Zhang W., (2021). Procedural Justice in Online Deliberation: Theoretical Explanations and Empirical Findings. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17(1), 105-117.
- Yang T. & Wang Y. & Zhang W., (2021). Effects of Knowledge and Reflection in Intrapersonal Deliberation. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17(1), 134-148.
- Zhang, W., Lim, G., Wang, Z., & Perrault, S. (2020, October). #CivicTech For And By Citizens: A Review And A Meta-Evaluation. In Proceedings of Annual CSCW conference Workshop Position Papers on Civic Technologies. Virtual.
- Chen, Z & Zhang, W. (2020), Bracketing or Reinforcing?: Socio-economic Status, Network Power, and Online Deliberation. Telematics & Informatics, 52, Article 101417.
- Zhang, W., Xi, Y., & Chen, A. (2020). Why do replies appear? A multi-level event history analysis of online policy discussions. New Media & Society, 22 (8), 1484-1504.
- Menon, S., Zhang, W. & Perrault, S. (2020). Nudge for Deliberativeness: How Interface Features Influence Online Discourses. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference Full Papers on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). ACM.
- Zhang, W. & Yang, T. (2020). The interaction between perceived procedural fairness and perceived disagreement in deliberation. Acta Politica, 55, 199–220.
- Perrault, S. & Zhang, W. (2019). Effects of Moderation and Opinion Heterogeneity on Attitude towards the Online Deliberation Process.. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference Full Papers on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19). ACM.
- Zhang, W., & Soon, C (2017). The Main and Spillover Effects of Online Deliberation: Changes in opinions, informational media use and political activities. In Proceedings of CeDEM 2017, Danube University Krems, Austria.
- Zhang, W. (2015). Perceived procedural fairness in deliberation: Predictors and effects. Communication Research. 42(3), 345-364.
- Zhang, W. (2015). The disenfranchised and eDeliberation: Beyond access. In Coleman, S., Przybylska, A., & Sintomer, Y. (Eds.), Deliberation and Democracy: Innovative Processes and Institutions, pp. 57-82. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.
- Lu, X., Zhang, W., Przybylska, A, De Liddo, A., Convertino, G., Davies, T., & Klein, M. (2015). Design for Online Deliberative Processes and Technologies: Towards a Multidisciplinary Research Agenda. In Proceedings of CHI 2015 (Workshop), Seoul, South Korea.
- Menon, S. & Zhang, W. (2014). A value-based design approach for online deliberation. In M. M. Skoric, P. Parycek, & M. Sachs (Eds.), In Proceedings of CeDEM Asia 2014, pp.81-96. Hong Kong, China.
- Zhang, W. & Chang, L. (2014). Perceived Speech Conditions and Disagreement of Everyday Talk: A Proceduralist Perspective of Citizen Deliberation. Communication Theory, 24(2), 124-145.
- Zhang, W. (2014). 新科技对政治传播的影响 The influence of new technologies on political communication (中文 in Chinese). In J. Hong (Ed.), New trends in communication studies. pp.732-746. Beijing, China: Tsinghua University Press.
- Chang, L., Jacobson, T., & Zhang, W. (2013). A Communicative Action Approach to Evaluating Citizen Support for a Government’s Smoking Policies. Journal of Communication, 63(6), 1153-1174.
- Zhang, W., Cao, X., & Trah, M. N. (2013). The structural features and the deliberative quality of online discussions. Telematics & Informatics, 30(2), 74-86.
- Zhang, W. (2010). Technical capital and participatory inequality in eDeliberation: An actor-network analysis. Information, Communication & Society, 13(7), 1019-1039.
- Zhang, W. (2010). Simulating the ideal eDeliberation: The roles of inclusion, equalization, and rationalization. In F. de Cindio, A. Machintosh, & C. Perobono (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Online Deliberation, Leeds, UK.
Asia and Internet
- Zhang, W., & Tong, T. (2024). Contesting the intermediary power: How Chinese MCNs interact with platforms, creators, and advertisers. Media, Culture & Society.
- Zhang W. (2023). Chineseness as Method. Global Media & China, 8(4), 514-518.
- Zhang, W., Chen, Z., Chia, Y-T., & Neoh, J. Y. (online first). Rethinking civic education in the digital era: How media, school, and young people negotiate the meaning of citizenship. International Communication Gazette. https://doi-org/10.1177%2F17480485221094101
- Xi, Y., Chen, A., & Zhang, W. (online first). The expression of cultural identities in Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement: A semantic network analysis of tweets. Social Science Computer Review.
- Zhang, W. (2022). Political disengagement among youth: A comparison between 2011 and 2020. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Zhang, X., Chen, A., & Zhang, W. (online first). Before and after the Chinese gene-edited human babies: Multiple discourses of gene editing on social media. Public Understanding of Science.
- Zhang, W., Chen, Z., & Xi, Y. (2021). Traffic media: how algorithmic imaginations and practices change content production. Chinese Journal of Communication, 14(1). 58-74.
- Zhang, W., & Neyazi, T. A. (2020). Communication and technology theories from the South: the cases of China and India. Annals of the International Communication Association, 44(1), 34-49.
- Liang, J., Liu, X., Zhang, W. (2019) Scientists vs. Laypeople: How Genetically Modified Food is Discussed on a Chinese Q&A Website?. Public Understanding of Science, 28(8), 991-1004.
- Zhang, L. & Zhang, W. (2018). The influence of monetization on the public functions of Weibo, Global Media and China, 3(3), 195-212.
- Zhang, W. (2016). Social media and elections in Singapore: comparing 2011 and 2015. Chinese Journal of Communication, 9(4), 367-384.
- Zhang, W. & Sabrina, M. Anthony. (2016). Alternative tweeting: A comparison of frames in Twitter’s political discourse and mainstream newspaper coverage on Singapore General Elections 2011. In M. Adria & Y. Mao (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Citizen Engagement and Public Participation in the Era of New Media. IGI Global.
- Zhang, W. (2016). The Internet and New Social Formation in China: Fandom Publics in the Making. London and New York: Routledge.
- Zhang, W. & Pang, N. (2016). The Internet and social media. In Lee, T., & Tan, K. (Eds.), Change in voting: Singapore’s 2015 General Election. Singapore: Ethos Books.
- Haciyakupoglu, G. & Zhang, W. (2015). Social media and trust during the Gezi Protests in Turkey. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 40(2), 250-266.
- Zhang, W. (2015). The silence of majority: Political talk during 2011 election time. In Tan, T. H., Mahizhnan, A., & Ang, P. H. (Eds.), Battle for hearts and minds: New media and elections in Singapore. pp.227-246. Singapore: World Scientific.
- Zhang, W. & Zhang, L. (2015). Fandom of foreign reality TV shows in Chinese cybersphere. In Chen, W. & Reese, S. (Eds.) Networked China: Global Dynamics of Digital Media and Civic Engagement: New Agendas in Communication, pp.197-213. London: Routledge.
- Zhang, W & Chib, A. (2014). Internet studies and development discourses: The cases of China and India. Information Technology for Development, 20(4), 324-338.
- Zhang, W. (2013). Redefining youth activism through digital technology in Singapore. International Communication Gazette, 75(3), 253-270. (Reprinted in Youth Culture and Activism in Southeast Asia. ISEAS, 2015)
- Zhang, W. & Mao, C. (2013). Fan activism sustained and challenged: Participatory culture in Chinese online translation communities. Chinese Journal of Communication, 6(1), 45-61.
- Zhang, W. (2012). Virtual communities as subaltern public spheres: A theoretical development and an application to the Chinese Internet. In H. Li (Ed.), Virtual community participation and motivation: Cross-disciplinary theories. Pp.143-161. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Zhang, W. (2012). The Effects of Political News Use, Political Discussion and Authoritarian Orientation on Political Participation: Evidences from Singapore and Taiwan. Asian Journal of Communication, 22(5): 474-492.
- Zhang, W., & Wang, R. (2010). Interest-oriented versus relationship-oriented social network sites in China. First Monday, 15(8).
- Zhang, W. (2006). Constructing and disseminating subaltern public discourses in China. Javnost-The Public, 13(2), 41-64.
Citizen Science and Civic Education
- Zhang, W., Wang, R., & Liu, H. (2023). Moral Expression, Sources, and Frames: Examining COVID-19 Vaccination Posts by Facebook Public Pages. Computers in Human Behavior, 138.
- Zhang, W., Mukerjee, S., & Qin, H. (2022). Topics and sentiments influence likes: A study of Facebook public pages’ posts about COVID-19 vaccination. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, 25(9), 552-560.
- Zhang, W. (2022). Civic AI Education: Developing a Deliberative Framework. In 4th Annual Symposium on HCI Education (EduCHI’22), April 30–May 1, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Zhang, W., Chen, Z., Chia, Y-T., & Neoh, J. Y. (2022). Rethinking civic education in the digital era: How media, school, and young people negotiate the meaning of citizenship. International Communication Gazette, 84(4):287-305. https://doi-org/10.1177%2F17480485221094101
- Zhang, X., Chen, A., & Zhang, W. (2021). Before and after the Chinese gene-edited human babies: Multiple discourses of gene editing on social media. Public Understanding of Science, 30(5), 570-587.
- Liang, J., Liu, X., Zhang, W. (2019) Scientists vs. Laypeople: How Genetically Modified Food is Discussed on a Chinese Q&A Website?. Public Understanding of Science, 28(8), 991-1004.
Research Grants
- Co-Investigator (2023-2024), Development of Flavour Catalysts that replicate meat-like Olfactory & Gustatory properties in Alternative Proteins. Singapore Food Agency & A*Star, S$494,400 (PI is AP. Ang Wee Han, FoS).
- Collaborator (2023-2024), Treating Lifestyle Disease Infodemics: Building Trust and Literacy in the Clinical Encounter. HSS Seed Fund, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, S$39,700 (PIs are Dr. Eric Kerr and Dr. Kathryn Lynn Muyskens, FASS)
- Principal Investigator (2022-2023), Exploring instructional approaches to develop students’ ethical mindset for a better understanding of the ethical and social implications of technology, CDTL, NUS, S$15,000
- Co-Principal Investigator (2021-2022), CTIC-DQI Pilot Project Proposal on Digital Wellbeing, CTIC, NUS, S$44,820 (PI is Dr. Audrey Yue, CNM, NUS)
- Principal Investigator (2020-2022), Civic Tech in Asia, HSS Seed Fund (Collaborative Research), National University of Singapore, S$40,000.
- Principal Investigator (2020-2021), The mediation of civic learning by digital social media: An Australian – Singapore comparison, NUS-University of Sydney Partnership Fund, S$19,888.
- Principal Investigator (2019-2020), AcRF Tier 1 Grant, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, S$13,371
- Collaborator (2018-2020), Artificial Intelligence, everyday life and disinformation across Asia, HSS Seed Fund, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, S$20,000. (PI is Dr. Taberez Neyazi, CNM, NUS)
- Principal Investigator (2015-2016), FASS Book Grant Scheme, S$8,250
- Principal Investigator (2014-2017), Deliberative governance: Developing a digital platform, Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$430,000
- Principal Investigator (2011-2012), Large Grant Writing Workshop Scheme, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, S$9800
- Co-Principal Investigator (2011-2013), News Across the Great Wall: Analyzing Taiwan, Asian, and Western News Media’s Web Strategies for Internet Users in China, CHIANG CHING-KUO FOUNDATION FOR INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARLY EXCHANGE, US$34,955. (PI is Dr. Iris Chyi, University of Texas-Austin).
- Co-Principal Investigator (2011-2012), 2011 Singapore General Election Survey, IPS, Singapore, S$50,000 (US$40,116) (PI is Mr. Tan Tarn How, IPS, NUS)
- Co-Principal Investigator (2009-2011), Citizen Participation and Legitimacy: Issues in the Evaluation of Health Policy-Making, Faculty Research Committee (FRC) Tier 1, National University of Singapore, S$62,100 (US$44,708) (PI is Dr. Leanne Chang, Baptist University of Hong Kong)
- Co-Principal Investigator (2009-2011), IPS-CNM Media Use Surveys, Tote Board, Singapore, S$47,800 (US$34,388) (PI is Mr. Tan Tarn How, IPS, NUS)
- Principal Investigator (2009-2011), Youth engagement and ICTs in Asia, PANeGov, IDRC, Canada, S$176,000 (US$122,000)
- Principal Investigator (2008-2011), Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Start-Up Fund, National University of Singapore, S$20,000 (US$12,935)
- Principal Investigator (2008), GAPSA-Provost Award for Interdisciplinary Innovation, University of Pennsylvania, US$6,000
Editorial Board Membership
- Annals of the International Communication Association, Associate Editor
- International Communication Gazette, Associate Editor
- Journal of Communication, Editorial Board Member
- Asian Journal of Communication, Editorial Board Member
- Asian Communication Journal, Editorial Board Member
- 資訊社會, Editorial Board Member